Saturday, June 25, 2011

Clean Eating and Other Stuff

Recently, I bought a copy of Tosca Reno's Clean Eating Recharged. Tomorrow, I plan to start putting those principles into practice. I may not be able to get some of the stuff that she recommends because I can't really afford it but I do plan to clean up my eating. I know that we have a holiday coming up and I am going to a barbecue/birthday party that day. I am going to try and basically stick with it that day. I haven't read the whole thing but this week, I'll also post more of what she says in my blogs.
Also, this last week, I floundered on my home Beachbody Party and my fitness group. Three people showed up for the party and just Cat and I worked out last Thursday. Oh and to top it off, I lost my place to do these workouts. If this would have happened last year, I would give up but Chris and I put our heads together and figured out how I can do this from my own home until it gets bigger. I plan on starting that back up after the fourth. I'm also looking to expand in Ellsinore, my hometown.
I am going to start the eating clean tomorrow. I plan on starting slow, first of all I plan on cutting out sodas. That is my hardest habit to break. Then along with the soda habit, I plan on drinking tons of water. I know the benefits of water, I just don't drink as much as I should. I will keep you all posted on how that's going. So it's late and I'm going to bed. Goodnight all. :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Setting A Good Example!

My family likes to sit around and watch TV. Unfortunately, I am one of the biggest ones. But recently, since I started to exercise and change my eating habits (it's an ongoing process), I've noticed that Will likes to do that sort of stuff with me. Although, I do get a little worried that he's going to get hurt, especially with weights, or when I am doing Kenpo. I do tend to worry that I'm going to kick him. But it's so worth it to see him do it. Sometimes, I just put on music at my house and he and I just dance. He loves music and he loves to dance.

He's four and his attention span isn't that long, but the little bursts of time that he wants to workout with me is truly awesome. It makes me feel as though I am doing something good by him. Our eating habits leave some, ok. a lot of room for improvements. I try to eat healthier and have changed alot but I sometimes give in to chocolate and other bad things. Shakeology helps out alot though. Anyway, my son recently made me so happy and proud when he tried broccoli and loved it. He is trying new things and I'm so excited. It won't be long before the chicken nuggets and french fries phase will be over and I can't wait. Chris and I are incorporating more vegetables into our meals. I love vegetables. They make wonderful sides for chicken, fish, and even turkey burger. And I love that my baby is following along with us. He told us he wants to try carrots and insisted that we buy carrots. I am one happy Momma. Anyway, the whole point of this story is to point out that I have been wondering and questioning myself as to whether I'm a good mother. I still do sometimes. These things that he's doing is giving me somewhat of a reassurance that I'm at least doing somethings right. :) Goodnight all. :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Why I Exercise?

I know that exercise is not the whole deal. I know I need to eat better as well. Nutrition is an ongoing battle for me, though, one that I'm determined to win. Sorry, I've been away a couple of days. I spent time with my sister and swam both days. I was exhausted when I got home.
Why should I or anyone exercise? Today, I happen to come across one of my old Shape Magazines. Shape does have good articles, although, they do promote diet drugs a little too much for my taste. But I came across this article about why should we exercise. The title is "Lace Up for a Better Life" and it's by Selena Yeager. She talks about not only the visible results but the inner results of exercising. The hot body can only go so far, I'd rather have the results from the inside out. So here are the reasons why exercise can better yours and my life.
1. More Exercise means fewer sick days at work: If you work out at least 30 minutes a day, you tend to catch fewer colds. Exercise prompts more white blood cells to circulate in your body and kills the disease carrying invaders according to a study in the American Journal of Medicine. I am actually getting fewer colds since I exercise more. Exercise also lowers estrogen levels which helps lower the risk of breast cancer.
2. Exercise helps you get better and more sleep: This, I am a firm believer in. Before I started doing any exercise, I would have a hard time sleeping at night and be very tired during the day. I was getting to where I had to have a nap along with my four year old son (he was two and three at the time). I like to exercise during the evening so I can blow off steam and it helps me relax and unwind.
3. You'll be a social butterfly: Although, I don't get to do this very much anymore, but I do love taking group fitness classes along with my P90X. My favorite is zumba. I plan on starting an exercise group to workout to P90X and other fitness programs.
4. Pick up the weights and you'll love your thighs: I, myself, love doing weight workouts. It helps me feel stronger. I can now see biceps in my arms and legs are smaller. Weight works. I need a structured program with weights though, I can't just go and lift weights. I find that P90X works with that. I know what is next and how many reps. to do. I love it.
5. Exercise helps improve your memory: I do find that I am able to remember stuff better when I exercise. I do get forgetful, though, when I'm tired and stressed. Exercise helps me deal with the stress, therefore, I'm able to focus more.
6. Exercise will make you happier: Before I started exercising regularly, I was not a very happy person. Partially, it was because I wasn't happy with myself and the way I looked. I now find that if I skip a workout, I become very cranky. I recently, have skipped a couple of days and had a meltdown on my husband over something really, really stupid. I find that if I don't exercise, I get really depressed.
7. Stress Won't Mess With You: I still have a lot of work to do on dealing with stress, but I do find that since I exercise more regularly, I deal with stress better. It doesn't get to me as much. That is because I have something to focus on and there for a little while, I can leave that stressful situation behind me. I wish my husband would do that. He bottles up everything inside. I'm worried that he's doing more harm to himself by doing that sort of thing. He doesn't have a release. ( I hope he reads this)
8. Kicking Bad Habits Will Be Easy: This one still requires work. I have found that exercise does reduce the cravings for a soda (which is my number one bad habit). I find that I really don't want to undo my hard work. I just don't want it. I actually crave water after an exercise session. I still cave in sometimes but I have cut way back on it. I'm more focused on my body and what it wants instead of what my head wants.
There are more reasons but that is all I'm going to focus on. I really love this article and I find that I'm getting a lot of the benefits this article says. This article was taken from Shape Magazine the October 2009 edition. I am finding that my old magazines are very useful. I used to get them for the success stories. One of these days I am going to be a success story. Well, I'm tired, so I'm gonna say goodnight all. :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

What Motivate Me and You?

Today, I was watching the Biggest Loser. I can watch episodes on hulu. I love that. I'm very interested in this season because of Brett Hobel. He is the creator of Rev Abs and part of the Beachbody community. I got to listen to him speak on a call. It was totally cool! Anyway, I digress. I was watching the Biggest Loser today. Those people are inspirational. They are determined to lose that weight every week. They have the same struggle (if not more, in some instances) as I do. Yet, they are achieving wonderful results. It got me thinking. These people are putting their heart and soul into making themselves healthier. What am I doing? I'm doing my workouts but I find that maybe, I'm not putting the 100% in the nutrition portion. I know that nutrition is 80% of healthy lifestyle and weight loss. I kinda lost my motivation. Watching the Biggest Loser has inspired and motivated me to give my 100% to my eating and exercise. I'm basically going hard or going home from this day forth. Who wants to join me? NO EXCUSES! Also, watching this show has also sparked an interest and passion to be a personal trainer. And for me it's not about the money, it's about being there and helping someone in there transformation, watching the light come into their eyes when they get the results that they have worked so hard for. Beachbody and the Biggest Loser has sparked something in me that has gone out. I also put on a shirt today that is big on me. It has always fit comfortably on me but I looked like I was pregnant in it. It is now a little big on me. :) This is what a difference a year has made. :) Well, I'm going to say goodnight all. :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Developing Good Habits

Today, although, is my rest day, is the start of my recovery week. I know I haven't blogged in a while but there are certain thing I want to achieve starting tonight. I know most people (me including) would say I will start tomorrow, but why do so. I think you should start working for your goals the minute you set them. Sometimes, you may stumble and lose track, but you should jump right back into it, the minute you realize you have gotten off track. (Now this is a pep talk to myself here.) For instance, last week I have four days of clean eating and three days of not so clean eating. Unfortunately today, was one of the non clean eating days. ( I had a family reunion to go to,but I did swim with my boy for almost two hours though.) I have decided to start right back on tonight by banishing late night eating and drinking water. I also know that I don't get enough sleep. Tonight that is going to change, my goal for this week is to get seven to eight hours of sleep at night, also to eat clean for the next six days. My husband and I have challenge that we are doing for ourselves. We have decided to not eat out for the month of June. That is very bad and expensive habit that I acquired and I want to break it. After that month, I do hope to be able to have special date nights with my husband. It seems that going out to eat has lost its treat value. I feel that if I let the world know my goals then I am accountable to make them happen. Anyway, I'm stopping here because of the tiring weekend I've had, right now I can barely keep my eyes open and I'm not making any sense. So goodnight all. :)

Monday, May 30, 2011

If You Knew You Couldn't Fail, How Big Would You Dream?

This title is a quote that I heard on a team call tonight. It reasonated through me. I know that fear of failure and sometimes negativety can get in the way of what I want to do. This past year, Chris and I have been through some tough times. We are still going through those tough times. I have decided to make some mini-goals and put a deadline on them to start with. My first and foremost is to start my once a week exercise group and for it to eventually become a fit club. I feel as though, I need to start out small, and then progress from there. My tentative date for the exercise group is the middle of June. My smaller goals then that is to focus 80% on my nutrition. I am trying to work on eating small meals every 3 hours.
But I digress, how big can anyone dream if they knew they couldn't fail? I for, one, would be successful at what I love. I have found, through Beachbody, that I love fitness. It has become my passion. I feel the positive effects of my progress. I would like those that I love to feel the same way. My biggest challenge is my personality, in a way. I am a very shy person. I find it harder for me to walk up even to someone I know, and start a conversation with them. This is something I have to work on. I do want to help others. My goal is to start a conversation with at least a couple of people by the end of the week. I'm not talking about by text or by facebook, I'm talking face to face communication.
Today, I started out really good on my eating.
A hard boiled egg
Pork Steaks
mac and Cheese
Homemade Granola
I know it's not the best. I start out doing good and blow it by the end of the day. On a happy note, this is my second day without soda. I'm taking that one day at a time as well. Tomorrow, I am really going to focus on my goals, and start reading the Purpose Driven Life. I have been questioning my purpose in this world, lately. As always Goodnight all:) Sorry for the rambling.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Evolution from Extreme Annoyance to Love

I have fallen in love, it kinda took me by surprise. I am spending an average of 6 or 7 hours a week with another man. I started out really not liking this man at all but the more I spend time with him, the more I like and starting to love him. I am starting to be a totally different person if I don't get to spend time with him, I actually am cranky if I don't get to spend that hour with him. Now before you start freaking out and thinking there are problems between Chris and I, I'm talking about Tony Horton and P90X. When I first started P90X, I have to admit, there were times I wanted to reach into the T.V. and slap him. He is funny but the jokes aren't that funny when you feel like you are going to die. But as I progressed and got stronger, I realized I can't live without him or P90X. I can feel a difference when I skip a workout, which still happens occasionally, unfortunately. I like the fact that he pushes me to "Bring It." I started to notice the change from extreme annoyance to "love" when I started to repeating things that he said on my blog and facebook posts. So, yes, he will annoy the heck out of you at the beginning but as you start doing the workouts, you will find some of the stuff he says funny. My next love is going to be Chalene Johnson and then Brett Hoble ( I can't spell his name, but he is one of the trainers of the Biggest Loser and creator of Rev Abs). I think I have fallen in love with Beachbody in general. :)
Tomorrow, I am going to begin, again, a more of a clean eating program, it may be the Glycemic Index eating plan for a little while longer. But if anyone in Poplar Bluff is interested, I found Tosca Reno's Clean Eating Recharged book at Hastings for $19.95. I can't wait until I can get my hands on it, but until then I am going to cut out sodas, I'm finding that cutting sodas completely out is the only way I can get healthier, unfortunately, for me, one soda turns into three or four. It sucks. So I am laying everything out here so I can be accountable. This blog will be on my blog page, which is Check it out. I will try to post a blog everyday. So let's get healthy together and as always goodnight all. :)